Tuesday, December 16, 2008

this is the new year... (not yet)

im not going to be able to access a computer for a while, so im pretty much going to go through a little bit of what i hope i will turn into the start of my "life" so to speak.

Over the past couple of weeks i have been going back and forth from sydney to coffs trying to sort out a place to live. I was offered a job doing the same stuff im doing at the moment, yet better pay and more of a supervisory role. Im actuall siked for its considering i'll be getting out of coffs, The place that i have grown to love and hate in so many ways.

new year, new job, new life = ....

im not sure what the future will hold for me, whether i fall in love with Sydney, or realise i left the only place i have known for my whole life.

Another thing will be me leaving the country (only for a couple of weeks) to follow the Burning Fight release shows in the US. This will be a huge eye opener for me as i've never been overseas at all. Seeing bands like unbroken, undertow, disembodied and trial will be experiences im sure i will never forget as long as i live. I seriously don't know what else im going to do there except for the shows. I know the other guys im going with (sean, chris gb and ddave) have lists of what they want to do, which you can see on their blogs, yet i don't think i know enough of the "tourist" things to do over there except for record shopping and eating way too much shit. Yet im still so excited for it.

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